SPVs with The Coterie: Invite, close, fund, and repeat.
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Close investors in minutes, not days
The Coterie makes it easy to invite and close SPV investors. Bring your own subscription documents or use our standard form, then invite and track investments on our Ops Portal. Review and close commitments with one click.
Make capital calls a breeze
Investors can fund their commitment directly from The Coterie’s web and mobile apps. Automatic reconciliation means you can spend less time chasing down capital and more time sourcing your next deal.
Make capital calls a breeze
Investors can fund their commitment directly from The Coterie’s web and mobile apps. Automatic capital calls mean you can spend less time chasing down capital and more time sourcing your next deal.
Hassle free tax and reporting
Share annual financial and tax documents directly through The Coterie, making it easy for investors to track performance and K-1s.
Make deals, not spreadsheets
The Coterie is a deal execution platform for venture investors. We handle back-office operations for emerging venture investors, automating banking, compliance, contracts, and reporting so that customers can focus on making deals and building relationships.
Industry standard SPV features out of the box
Arrange a kick-off call with our SPV team today.
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• Invitation links and investor onboarding
• Accreditation checks
• End-to-end SPV execution
• K-1s and taxes
• Complete back office management
• Instant banking
The Coterie's fees are typically passed on to your investors. The Coterie's SPV fees will be automatically calculated and added to your target raise.
SPV Fees
Single asset, annual reporting
Additional Fees
Fees may increase based on number of LPs or reporting requirements
Compare Pricing
The Coterie is at least 50% of the cost than the next comparable SPV manager.
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Cost of $5M SPV*
The Coterie
* Based on estimated costs calculated on competitors’ websites as of  04/15/2024